City marketing campaign
prince's day

  • Campaign concept

  • Graphic design

  • Logo design

  • Animation

Citymarketing campaign around Prinsjesdag in The Hague. The Projects developed the logo and central campaign image to accompany the 'Have a Royal September' concept. Using AI technology we created an iconic visual aimed at the mainly female target group of this week full of royal activities. In terms of clothing and hairstyle, the AI model refers to Victorian times. The festive nature of the week is emphasized by referring to the famous annual hat parade on Prince's Day. In the central digital expression, our model cheerfully throws some frenzied headgear into the air.

In terms of typography and design, the campaign ties in with another long-running Hague city marketing campaign devised by The Projects: 'Have a Royal Winter'. Intended to entice day trippers to visit The Hague, (digital) bus shelters, online banners, ads and brochures were translated under our art direction by Stichting Binnenstadsmangement Den Haag and Nouvelle media.


Kareem Raïhani logo design


Bearley fashion brand identity