city marketing

  • Strategy

  • Media

  • Art direction

  • Graphic design

  • Copywriting

  • Photography (i.c.w. Annelien Nijland)

  • Video (i.c.w. Ryan Oduber)

Citymarketing campaign to put Utrecht's coolest neighborhood on the map. Four pillars characteristic of the Unikwartier (or University Quarter) form the basis of the campaign: design, culture, hospitality and crafts. With a multi-channel branding campaign - outdoor bus shelters, indoor posters, advertisements in cultural magazines and regional media - we enticed visitors to visit this undiscovered pearl right next to the mainstream shopping area.

The creative and small-scale character of this vibrant neighborhood in Utrecht is depicted with beautiful photo portraits of entrepreneurs (by Annelien Nijland) and expressed in interviews by journalist Pam van der Veen. For each pillar, we selected an appealing key figure from the neighborhood to feature on posters and advertisements. An online platform was also created for and by the entrepreneurs with over eighty portraits, an event calendar and regular stories on the website and social media.

The Projects conceived the entire campaign and directed all partners and creations.


Inn Hanenberg AirBNB logo design


Citymarketing campaign The Hague Cultural City #2